Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

After 5 days of being snowed in with Mom and Dad, today it is Christmas. I'm not sure what Christmas is, but Dad said it involves a giant penguin. At first I was a little overwhelmed, but now I am having a great time with my new toys, and thank you, everyone.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy (Belated) 14th Month B-day to Me

Today I had my first taste of snow. Mom, Dad, and I did not make snow angels or build a snowman because it's cold, that snow.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Mom had to work, but after that we went to Andrea, Jerry, Emilie, and Elliott's house for turkey and stuff. Thanks.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Today I had my hair cut at the Little Clippers hair cutting joint in Clackamas, OR, USA. Dad says I don't look like a hipster anymore. Mom says they cut too much off the back. Sheesh - it's gonna grow back.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy (Belated) 13th Month B-day to Me

I am now 13 months old. I can say "bye-bye" and "uh-oh." I like carrying heavy inanimate objects around the house, and throwing smaller ones. And I can walk. Bye-bye.

Oh, and I almost forgot: I rode a real horse.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

With Grandpa Frank and Granny Syl

Sorry I haven't posted recently. Granny Syl and Grandpa Frank visited a couple of weeks ago, while Mom was away in New Orleans for work. I saw a lot of them as they helped Dad take care of me. They even let me stay up way past my bedtime on election night.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat

I didn't actually get any candy on Halloween (though Grandpa Frank sneaked me a sugar cookie - he's visiting with Granny Syl). We all went out to eat, only I wore a costume, and lots of people told me I was a cute little devil.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Learning to Drive

Thanks for the car, Aunt Kelly, Uncle Ken, and John. I'm having lots of fun learning to drive.

My Birthday Cap

It's starting to get cold in Portland, which means it's time to try on my new birthday cap. Thanks, Aunt Maryann, Uncle Bob, Hope, and Mae.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy First Birthday to Me!

My first year on Earth was a piece of cake as it turns out. Thanks to everyone who came to my party and to those who couldn't make it but sent gifts anyway. Also, Dad wants everyone to know that the Red Sox are winning this evening. And Mom is the best mom ever.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'm Walking

I like walking better than crawling. Mom says I walk like Frankenstein's monster. Dad is very concerned about me falling correctly, always on your butt, he says - Mom says "bottom" is the correct term - because there's no brain in your butt - unless you're a Steelers fan. Our Patriots won this week. Yay! And our favorite coach, Lovie Smith, won. We are not Bears fans, but we are definitely Lovie Smith fans.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

In the Park

Mom and Dad took me to the park for a benefit barbecue whose proceeds go to give bikes to kids who need them. Mom and Dad ate barbecue, I ate my puffs, and Dad took me swinging, which I like.

Dad and I are not worried about our Patriots.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Access Denied

Mom and Dad are trying to keep me out of "places I shouldn't be," which leads to a sort of evolutionary arms race between us. I really wonder what is behind some of these doors.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy (Belated) 11 Month Birthday to Me!

I am 11 months old now. I like to eat and play percussion with metal spoons on hard surfaces. I am very close to walking without the assistance of the couch, tables, or anything I can pull myself up with. I waved goodbye to the guys at daycare today, and Mom was impressed.

And Dad has been letting me listen to his CDs of Richard Dawkins reading from the Origin of Species and Calexico's "Carried to Dust."

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bluesman in the Making

Even on a plastic ukulele, Dad says it's either the blues or zippity doo-dah. It's my choice. Dad's been showing me some cool string bends and slides to make my ukulele talk. And he's been singing "My Bucket's Got a Hole in It" to me, for inspiration: "My bucket's got a hole in it, can't buy no beer milk".

I've got a second tooth. I tried re-fried beans at a Mexican restaurant last night. Unfortunately, my diaper got a hole in it twice today, and Mom says we will hold off on the re-fried beans for a while.

Dad and I saw a great blue heron at the duck pond this week; plus five killer nutria rats, lots of ducks, and a cat - which rubbed noses with one of the killer nutria rats, and lived to mewl about it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dancing Henry

I like to dance. Well, at least I like to bend my knees and gyrate when I stand up and hold on. Mom says I'm a dancer. Moms are supposed to say things like that.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gaga Visits

Mom's mom (aka Gaga) is visiting. She feeds me and plays with me and makes me laugh a lot.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy 10-Month Birthday to Me

I'm 10 months old today. I talk a lot now, but no one quite understands me. I have seen rain, sun, the Pacific Ocean, and killer nutria rats; but no snow. I'm ready to eat on my own, but Mom is not quite convinced about this. And I'm ready to walk, but I haven't quite got my earth legs yet.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Mom and Dad build nice towers with my new stacking cups ... so I can knock them down!

My first tooth came in this week - Dad had said I was looking a little long in the tooth.

I can also pull myself upright by using the coffee table. I fall when I let go, though. So far.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Beach Bum

Mom took Dad and me to the beach in Lincoln City, Oregon, last weekend, where we stayed in a condo with a nice view of the ocean. I got to sit in my red gravity-free seat for my meals, swim in a pool, play in some sand, and walk along the ocean. Mom said it was too cold for us to take a dip, though Dad lobbied for me. I had a very good time and hope to return there next summer.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Playing Ball

Mommy played ball with me today. Banging two objects together, she said, is a "developmental milestone." I don't know what that means. Dad said it means I can be the next Big Sid Catlett when I grow up. Did I ever say how my last checkup went? The doctor said I'm doing well, standing tall at 29 inches, and weighing in at almost 21 pounds. He said that's inside linebacker size.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday in the Park with Mom and Dad

Today Mom and Dad took me to Sellwood Park, where I soared in a swing for the first time and got my first feel of green grass and dirt. Swinging is way fun, and grass is a little strange. I crashed on the way home in the car and missed a nutria rat sighting at the duck pond.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Good Times

Grilled Cheeeeeeeese! Mom and Dad took me to breakfast at the Cup and Saucer yesterday, and then we went for a stroll on Hawthorne. When we got home, I played with my toys - it was a good day. Today we're going swimming in a big swimming pool.

We heard that my Aunt Susan is not feeling well, and we hope she's better.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy 9-Month B-day to Me!

I am 9 months old today - so I've spent as much time outside Mom's belly as I did inside it at this point. See if you can guess which view I prefer.

Mom took Dad and me to Noho's Hawaiian Cafe for the occasion, and Mom fed me mooshed fruit and cottage cheese, while they ate Phil's Ono Chicken, Teriyaki Chicken, rice, and macaroni salad.

One of these days, Dad is going to let me try Loco Moco (two hamburger patties topped with a sunnyside-up fried egg and macaroni salad, then smothered in brown gravy).

Oh, and Mom bought me some cool new shoes.