Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gaga Visits

Mom's mom (aka Gaga) is visiting. She feeds me and plays with me and makes me laugh a lot.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy 10-Month Birthday to Me

I'm 10 months old today. I talk a lot now, but no one quite understands me. I have seen rain, sun, the Pacific Ocean, and killer nutria rats; but no snow. I'm ready to eat on my own, but Mom is not quite convinced about this. And I'm ready to walk, but I haven't quite got my earth legs yet.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Mom and Dad build nice towers with my new stacking cups ... so I can knock them down!

My first tooth came in this week - Dad had said I was looking a little long in the tooth.

I can also pull myself upright by using the coffee table. I fall when I let go, though. So far.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Beach Bum

Mom took Dad and me to the beach in Lincoln City, Oregon, last weekend, where we stayed in a condo with a nice view of the ocean. I got to sit in my red gravity-free seat for my meals, swim in a pool, play in some sand, and walk along the ocean. Mom said it was too cold for us to take a dip, though Dad lobbied for me. I had a very good time and hope to return there next summer.