Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mug Shot

Mom and Dad think I don't know what they're doing with that camera.

Na zdrowie

Mom got me a practice sippy cup to drink Hammerhead Ale apple juice out of. Na zdrowie, readers of this blog, and Grandpa Frank especially.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Flies Through the Air

Here I am playing the Super-Henry-flies-through-the-exosphere game with Mom. It always makes us laugh.

Below I seem to be having a more pensive moment. Granny Syl (aka Dad's mom) has noted recently that I look a lot like Dad when he was my age. Dad said he cannot evaluate this because he does not remember anything from when he was 7 months old.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Post-Prandial Milk

Sometimes Dad feeds me milk after my meal of gruel. It gives us a chance to catch up on new books we're reading, what we're thinking, how good the Patriots are going to be this season.

And with all the milk and gruel I've been eating, I'm getting pretty good at sitting on the floor without bobbleheading or toppling. Mom and Dad are now talking about "baby-proofing" the house - they think I can't hear them.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Books I Have Read Eaten

Today I read ate Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss, which Dad's mom (aka Sylvia) sent to me. Well, actually, Dad read it to me, stunning me with his mastery of the Seussian tongue twister.

I think I am teething, whatever that is, and I pretty much chew whatever I get my hands on. I really like to chew on Mom's hair, but my biggest coup will be when I can get Dad's glasses off his face quick enough to really sink my teeth into them.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Playing Ball and Cooling Down

It's been very hot here - in the 90s, but I'm staying cool. We ventured out on Saturday for breakfast at the Cricket Cafe; Dad managed not to spill anything. Afterwards Mom took me for a walk in my ERGObaby carrier through Powell's Books.

Mom and Dad have been playing ball with me indoors. They say I'm pretty good. And I'm doing pretty well; Mom took me to see the doctor about my raspy breathing. He said I'm fine; and I weighed in at 18 pounds, 4 ounces in my bare feet. Must be all the vegetables I'm eating.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Belated 7-Month Birthday to Me

I am 7 months old - as of yesterday, Mother's Day. I gave Mom some seahorse earrings for the day, and Dad and I took her out to the Cup & Saucer for breakfast. Mom was civilized, but Dad somehow squirted half a bottle of Secret Aardvark Hot Sauce on himself; he said it was intended to go on his breakfast burrito. We had a good time; and now that we have a new camera, we should be back in business with the blog.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mom's B-day Brunch

We went to brunch for Mom's birthday at The Screen Door, even though Mom's real b-day is on Tuesday. My friend Wade entertained me as always. Mom ate grits and stuff, and Dad ate fried chicken and waffles.