Monday, March 31, 2008

Call Me Spaceman Spiff

Mom set up my zero-gravity spaceship today, which is lots of fun to bop around in. Just call me Spaceman Spiff!

After watching the video, Dad said I was born too late; otherwise, I might have starred in a Busby Berkeley movie. Who's Busby Berkeley, is what I wanna know.

We've all been sick for three weeks; some antibiotics did wonders for me; but Mom and Dad are still dragging their tongues around the house. If he ever feels good again, Dad said he might take me to my first concert soon - Mark Kozelek at the Aladdin Theater - which would be of great educational value to me.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Me and My Piggy Bank

Thanks for the piggy bank, Granny Syl, I'm saving to buy Mom a great present for Mother's Day.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Me and My High Chair

Anticipating my starting to eat cereal in 3 weeks, Mom bought me a high chair this weekend - not the old kind with the long legs but a newfangled one that attaches to an ordinary chair. It makes me feel as if I'm flying a plane. The tray is good for holding toys, like the green frog Granny Syl gave me.

On Easter, Mom and Dad took me out to watch them eat breakfast at the Cadillac Cafe. Dad dressed up in his green Celtics t-shirt, Mom in her Wipe Out t-shirt; and several of the servers wore bunny ears. Mom and Dad planned to take me to the duck pond to feed the ducks and nutria rats, but it rained cats and dogs and nutria rats all day. Good weather for the ducks, anyway.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I Wear Stripes

I have a cold, as does Dad and most of my classmates at Day Care. But I'm feeling pretty cheerful nonetheless; at least I keep on smiling. And Mom keeps me laughing. And Dad keeps us all safe from the nutria rats.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Mom just told me a joke so good it made my jaw drop and it made some dribble run down my chin. Sheesh ... Mom.

Happy 5-Month Birthday to Me!

Here is a photograph and a very short movie, exactly 5 months after my first peek at this world. I am not sure what is up with the movie (or why there's no thumbnail preview). Dad took it, and he is not well; he says he was stricken after being bitten by a rabid Nutria rat that he was defending Mom and me from. In fact, he has a really nasty stomach virus; Mom does too. A number of people in day care got it; luckily, I did not, though Mom and Dad went down like bowling pins. When they are well again, we'll get back to the usual high-quality production that viewers of this blog have come to expect.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Day Care

I start Day Care tomorrow. I will be cared for by the Academy for Kids. We did a practice run last week, and met Danielle and Ann. I will let you know how it goes.

Mom, Dad, and I went to the duck pond this afternoon. Dad and I watched while Mom fed stale bread to the ducks. And then an enormous rat-like creature emerged from the murk and swam towards us. At first, Mom thought it was a beaver and fed it stale bread, which it gnawed with its huge teeth. When it came ashore, though, we realized it was not a beaver, and it kind of scared us all - and we headed home. Unfortunately we did not have our camera with us. Dad's preliminary research indicates we might have seen a river opossum.